Medical innovation is the process aiming at the development and the effective and safe application of a previously non-existent medicine with new therapeutic advantage for the treatment of a certain illness.
In addition to vast intellectual resources, our member companies spend significant amounts on the development of each innovative medicinal product, today already over 1 billion dollars per therapy. Developing innovative medicines is a very long and expensive process. Out of 1,000,000 potential molecules only one makes its way to the registration!
In the past 30 to 40 years many serious, previously incurable diseases have become curable or more efficiently treatable due to the application of innovative medicines, including:
- cancers,
- cardiovascular diseases,
- psychiatric diseases,
- metabolic disorders,
- respiratory diseases,
- neurodegenerative diseases,
Between 2000 and 2010 alone life expectancy increased by 1.74 years in OECD countries, to which innovative medicines contributed with 73 percent.
(Source: Lichtenberg, F. (2012) (DATA): Pharmaceutical innovation and longevity growth in 30 developing OECD and high-income countries, 2000-2009.).
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